
Help LAUNCH the Graduating Dance Majors at Hofstra University

Help LAUNCH the Graduating Dance Majors at Hofstra University Image
Raised toward our $5,500 Goal
50 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 05, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

Help LAUNCH the Graduating Dance Majors at Hofstra University

Relaunched in 2019, the Dance Alumni Association at Hofstra University provides a forum for Dance alumni to communicate and maintain professional relationships, and allow for social, educational, cultural, and career-oriented opportunities. 

In this last year we’ve:

  • Established new social media accounts
  • Hosted virtual happy hours
  • Connected seniors with alums working in various fields
  • Provided professional and educational workshops and seminars

As we look forward to 2021, we have two main goals: to continue creating diverse and engaging programming, and to support current Dance students in their studies and future careers.

Our LAUNCH Campaign aims to raise $5,500 in 5 weeks. These scholarship funds will be directly benefiting graduating seniors. Funds to help offset costs associated with: tuition, auditions or certifications, internships, summer training, and more.

With an alumni network of over 350 people, a contribution as little as $15 will allow us to achieve this goal.

In the midst of a global pandemic, one greatly affecting the arts industry as a whole, we want to provide support and assistance to students.

Choose a giving level


Master Classes

Allows senior students to further their education through master classes and other professional courses.


Dance Wear

Provides senior students with funds to purchase new dance and athletic wear.



Allows senior students to purchase professional headshots.



Covers transportation costs for senior students traveling to internships.


Senior Practicum

Supports a senior student taking on the costs of producing a senior practicum.